Fable Kids Activities
Bringing in the new year with hope!
Since this year has brought challenges to everyone, I thought it would be a great idea to spread some hope. This month’s activity will be about finding the colour, joy, and gratitude in the little things we already have. Grab your favourite Fable Kids doll and head indoors or out and build those rainbows using everyday items!
Host a Tea Party!
When you were young, did you like hosting tea parties? I had a little blue and white plastic set that I loved. My mom would bring it out on special play dates, and encouraged me to dress up in my favourite dress. As much as I was a tomboy (I lived to be outside), I could never say no to a good dress and a good tea party! I particularly requested a woven hat and a set of white gloves (my mother has joked about me being my great grandmother reincarnated). And honestly, not much has changed.